Crew unpacked the fresh fruit, opens Cygnus hatch

On Thursday morning 5:02 a.m, Commander Steve Swanson opened the hatch to Orbital Sciences Cygnus cargo vehicle, to begin unloading a half of science experiments, crew supplies, station hardware and even a bit of fresh food. Swanson joined Gerst to equalize the cabin pressure and the vestibule leading to Cygnus between the station and the cargo craft. NanoRacks module was the first item unloaded from Cygnus, it provides microgravity research with a low-cost and use of standardized "plug and play"...

Lifetime achievement award to JPL director, Ed Stone

From 1972, Ed Stone is a project scientist of NASA's Voyager mission, and former director of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), Pasadena, California. On Wednesday, American Astronautical Society honored with a lifetime achievement award to ED Stone. Stone received with honor, "for sustained and extraordinary contributions to America's space programs, including innovative planetary missions in support of unnamed exploration of the solar system" said society. "This award is an extraordinary...

Cygnus and Robonaut in the Space

On Wednesday at 6:36 a.m. EDT Cygnus was grappled in the space, as it flew within about 32 feet of the complex by the Steve Swanson. 57-foot Canadarm2 is controlled by Flight Engineer Alexander Gerst from robotics workstation inside the station's cupola. Wiseman helps his crewmates to capture and coordinate activities, orbital flying nearly 260 miles over northern Libya, at the time of capture. Canadarm 2 robotic arm helps to hold the Cygnus securely, the robotics officer at Mission Control...

Two giant radiation belts – NASA’s Van Allen Probes orbit

Van Allen radiation belt contains inner is fairly stable and outer changes shape, size and composition. It suggests two-fold process; one is called mechanism which gives the particles an initial boost and other one is called electromagnetic wave known as Whistlers. Numerous theories tell where these energetic particles come from and have been developed. The first theory is that the Particles move slowly from one place to another, 4,00,000 miles or more, gathering energy along the way. While...

Keep Aircraft on Schedule - TSS

TSS means Terminal Sequencing and Spacing, developed by NASA to help NextGen a reality, and it delivered to the FAA on July 14 during public occasion in nation's capital. It is designed to help controllers who work as a part of TRACON (Terminal Radar Approach Control), which is doughnut shaped volume of sky that extends outward about 35 miles and begins 5 miles from the airport. By using TSS, Controllers gives the appropriate direction to the aircraft like- to speed up, slow down, or maintain...

Astronaut has started work

German Flight engineer Alexander Gerst and Commander Steve Swanson, they ready to hold the grapple Cygnus on Wednesday at 6:39 a.m.EDT. On Monday morning Swanson started to do work on Advanced Colloids Experiment, for that he opened the Fluids Integrated Rack. Fluids Integrated Rack (FIR) is designed to host investigations in areas such as wetting, gels, colloids and capillary action, including cooling and boiling. For study the behavior of microscopic particles in creams and gels, there is...

ANTARES rocket launch successful

Antares rocket successfully launched on Sunday (13-07-2014) at 12:52 pm, from NASA’s Wallops Flight Facility in Virginia, U.S.A. This mission is the second cargo delivery flight to the station. Total amount spent for this mission is $1.9 million. This mission carries overall 3,300 pounds of supplies to the station, including crew food and supplies, hardware and scientific equipment and experiments. For research investigations Planet Labs of San Francisco developed, a flock of nanosatellites...

To fly an airborne test bed instrument (MABEL) and ICESat-2

 Comparing in summer and winter, sea ice looks dramatically different. In these weekends, NASA ready to investigate the features of ice in Fairbanks, Alaska, with the help of Flying Laser Altimeter. NASA going to launches the ICESat-2; it will measure the elevation of Earth through the out pluses of green laser light and timing how long it takes individual photons to bounce off Earth’s surface and return. MABEL (Multiple Altimeter Beam Experiment) collects data with lasers and photon-detectors. Thorsten...

Degradation Free Spectrometers

A new sounding rocket is ready to launch on 14 July, 2014 from White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico. This mission is used to measure the irradiance (total energy output). Leonid Didkovsky given a statement about the mission “Data observations from previous missions have provided significantly improved measurements of irradiance easily”. He is the principal investigator for the mission in University of Southern California in Los Angeles. Degradation Free Spectrometers experiment helps to find...

NASA's MESSENGER spacecraft and STEREO

"The particles coming from the sun such as photons, electrons, protons, neutrons, gamma rays are to gather different kinds of information" said by David Lawrence. Charge particles from the sun (closer to Earth), we can observe easily, but it’s difficult to analyze their journey affected by magnetic fields. MESSENGER spacecraft is close as 28 million miles from the sun and 93 million miles from the earth, to detect the solar neutrons (Created in solar flares) near to the sun. STEREO (Solar...

Exo-brake (Smartphone and a small satellite with a de-orbiting device)

NASA's Ames Research Center located in Moffett Field, California. They’re going to launch new experiments into space aboard NASA's second Orbital Sciences Corporation Cygnus spacecraft. The agency's for second of eight planned cargo mission is $1.9 billion Commercial cargo resupply flight of the Orbital Science. Launching date is July 11, 2014 (Friday) at 10.40 am, launch coverage on NASA TV will begin at 10 am, it will arrive at the space station on Tuesday (July 15, 2014). Smart SPHERES (Prototype): SPHERES...

PMBSS moving the telescope

PMBSS is used to holds the telescope's science instruments and also the 18 beryllium mirror-segments. Largest mirror in the telescope called primary mirror (the one starlight will hit first). It is designed to reduce the changes in the shape of the telescope, because when one side is hotter than the other side. The telescope is operated in the cold temperature with a range between -406 and -343 degrees Fahrenheit, the black plane must move less than 98 nanometers, i.e., approximately 1/1,000...

Finally OCO-2 successfully launched

At 2.56 am .PDT (5.56 a.m. EDT) Wednesday, the spacecraft were successfully launched, to study about atmospheric carbon dioxide. The orbit launched in Vandenberg Air Force Base, California. The second stage of rocket is 429-mile (690-kilometer) orbit. OCO-2 is mainly used to locate the Earth's sources of and storage places for atmosphere carbon dioxide. Charles Bolden (NASA Administrator) given a quotation "Climate change is the challenge of our generation." Why scientist used OCO-2?, this...

Titan's ice shell

By the use of Cassini mission, scientist found some data (Analyzed data). Inside the Titan, might (Are the Saturn's largest moon) be as salty as the Earth's Dead Sea. With the help of Cassini project, researchers presented a new structure for Titan. "We're finding the new mysterious to solve old ones." the quotes word are spoken by Linda Spillker. The ocean in the Titan is extremely salty brine of water mixed with dissolved salts likely composed of chemicals like sulfur, sodium and potassium....

A new binary or twin stars

The distance between two binary or twin stars is same at which Earth orbits the sun. While comparing with sun and planet host star, sun is not much dimmer. Earth (little colder) is not much colder than planet. Four international research team, Andrew Gould (Professor in the Ohio State University in Columbus), on July 4 their published the issue of the journal science. Scott Gaudi (Professor of astronomy at Ohio State) said "This greatly expands the potential locations to discover habitable...

Cygnus cargo spacecraft (Orbital-2 mission)

Spacecraft is scheduled to launch on July 11, 2014 at 1.40 p.m. E.D.T, in Mid-Atlantic Regional Spacecraft's Launch Pad 0A at NASA’s Wallops Flight Facility in Virginia. It is filled with more than 3,000 pounds of supplies, science experiments to expand the research capability of 40 crew members from aboard, spare parts, and hardware. TechEdSat-4 is a satellite-related investigation (flock of nano satellite). It’s used for taking images of earth. The main region for building cargo is...

Information about Eruptions by IRIS (Solar Observatory)

IRIS means Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph. A new solar observatory was launched into orbit around earth on June 27, 2013. IRIS observes the sun's atmosphere in low level, Interface region means moving constantly. IRIS helps for understanding the detailed images on particular area, even more turbulence and complexity than expected. By using this, we can easily understand how the solar material reaches million of degrees. On all observation IRIS captures two kinds of data, it collects...

50th Anniversary (The Civil Rights Act of 1964) for NASA

Lyndon Johnson (American President 1963-1969) signed into the law, most of the effect in civil rights legislation. Due to the outlawed discrimination in such areas like restaurants, employment, voting, public and education on the basis of some characteristics like race, color, religion, national origin.... etc. Before the law was enacted, there is a change happen in workspace in the forefront. In 1964 January, their create a contractors group in Alabama to make sure African-American got...

Knowing about globe and they change over time by OCO-2 mission

OCO-2(Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2) is scheduled for Wednesday, July 2 at 5.56 am from Space Launch Complex 2 at Vandenberg Air Force Base in California. The launch team operated properly during tests before the launch countdown, but it failed at final minutes. Their decided to replace the failed value with a spare and the system is being tested in preparation for Wednesday's launch attempt. OCO-2 will produced the detailed picture of natural sources of carbon dioxide, and also their “sinks”...

The high-altitude balloon carrying the LDSD project

High-altitude balloon(Helium Balloon) launch occurred in Hawaiian island facility at 8.45 a.m.Their tested balloon and vehicle were about 1,20,000 feet over the Pacific Ocean at the time of the drop and it splashed down in the ocean at 11.35 a.m. Mark alder is a project manager for LDSD at NASA's jet Propulsion Laboratory located in Pasadena, California. “The test vehicle worked good. After the result we met all of our flight objectives, have recovered all the the vehicles hardware and...

Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 by NASA on July 1

NASA prepares to launch the first spacecraft to analyze the carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere on July 1 from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California. Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 is the second earth science mission launched by NASA Carbon dioxide being the vital part of our carbon cycle has major impact on the climatic changes. Scientists have warned that carbon dioxide released by human activity like burning of fossil fuel and deforestation has disturbed the balance of natural carbon cycles.  A portion of Carbon dioxide emitted...

3 Powerful X-class Solar Flares in 2 days

Solar flare actually refers to the eruption of energy in the sun’s surface. In simple terms, it is the sudden flash of brightness in the sun layer. The radiations from flare are actually harmful to humans. The safest part is that these radiations cannot pass through the earth surface. But still if the radiations are more intense then it may disturb the atmospheric layer where communication signals travel.  Recently on June 10, 2014 three X-class solar flares has erupted in 2 days and the...

Nasa seeks coders to follow asteroids

US space agency Nasa is seeking coders who could help thwart a global catastrophe by identify asteroids that may collapse into Earth. Its Asteroid Data Hunter contest will suggest $35,000 (£21,000) to programmers who can recognize asteroids capture by ground-based telescopes.The charming elucidation must increase the revealing rate and minimize the number of false positives.Scientists are progressively more work for be of assistance to make good judgment of measureless statistics sets. The...

Keeping foods fresher for a long duration in space with misting systems

Even though there are many advancement in technology, keeping foods fresher in space for a long period has been impossible. Research has been going on to keep fresh fruits and vegetables for long-term in space. It has been found that spraying waters over fruits and vegetables keep them fresher for a long period. It’s a fact that if a plant or a food has more solute than the environment surrounding it then to achieve equilibrium state water diffuses into the cell. Thus by routinely spraying the vegetables with water it keeps up their turgor pressure...

Freshly discovered Asteroid 2013 TV135

Recently discovered asteroid 2013 TV135 made a close approach to Earth on Sept. 16, as soon as it came within about 4.2 million miles (6.7 million kilometers and the asteroid is originally expected to be about 1,300 feet (400 meters) in size and its orbit carries it as far out as concerning three quarters of the space to Jupiter's orbit and as close to the sun as Earth's orbit and open on Oct. 8, 2013, by astronomers working at the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory in Ukraine to as of Oct....

Dramatic Supersonic Shockwave Images by NASA

Elusive schlieren picture of supersonic shockwaves emanate from NASA F-15 and F/A-18 aircraft in the air at supersonic speed were captured during new pilot skill flights. The images were collected by a twin telescope and digital camera system on the earth .Under a NASA Small Business Innovation investigate project. Schlieren photography is a method that enables imaging of airflow, with particular illumination making changes in air density—in this case the density of the shockwaves "Our team...

NASA's Deep Impact' Spacecraft - Massive Problem Rotating Out of control

NASA’s Deep Impact spacecraft is in deep problem. The craft, famous for blast a projectile into the Comet Tempel 1, lost contact with Earth sometime between 11 August and 14 August. Recent instructions to put the craft in hibernation, or secure mode, were ineffective, and Deep Impact is now rotating out of control, says principal investigator Michael A’Hearn of the University of Maryland in College Park. The job was renamed Epoxi when it was extensive to view comets and stars with transiting exoplanets. Engineers...

Celebrity regarding NASA Planet Looking Comes Lazy Using Cracked Pieces

NASA said Thursday that its celebrated planet-hunting Kepler spacecraft, which broke down in May when a reaction wheel that controls its pointing failed, could not be fixed and would never again search for planets around other stars. The disappointing news brings to an end, for now, one phase of the most romantic of space dreams, the search for other Earths among the exoplanets of the Milky Way. NASA has already asked astronomers for ideas on how to use the hobbled spacecraft, whose telescope...

NASA delivering 3d Printer

NASA is scheduled to be able to start globe's primary zero-G-ready 3d images computer printer directly into place future season, through its resupply mission to the Overseas Living space Place, making sure that pieces might be built on-demand inside place. Living space creation firm Manufactured in Space's custom 3d images computer printer could be the primary product to be able to production pieces from planet earth, scientists said. The particular three dimensional Printing inside Zero-G...

Tips to buy sports car

Buying a car is not an easy task. It involves a lot of headache and when it comes for sport car the no way. Unlike other cars sport cars have their own reputation. So buying sports car is a little bit tedious job as compared to normal cars. Here are few guidelines which can help you to buy best sports car: If you have any models in your mind then go through them completely in websites. Compare the rates, quality and other factors. Go for a good and reputed dealership if you are not much skilled about sports car. Once you have finished your...

Astronauts sent to space station launches from Russia

A rocket was launched from Russia to space station there are 3 men is travelling in that rocket both from Russia they are also known as cosmonauts. Because the rocket is launching from Russia and the take off of the rocket is successful. The names of astronauts who sent to the space station are Russia’s Oleg Novitskiy and evgeny Tarelkin and United States Kevin Ford. The time of rocket launch and the name of the space craft are TMA-06M spacecraft at the time of 10.51 GMT on Tuesday and Australian...

Soyuz Capsule Docks at Area Place with Worldwide Area Crew

Three jet pilots arrive at the Worldwide Area Place beginning Wednesday (July 17) for a four-month remain, providing the large revolving about outpost returning to its complete supplement of six spaceflyers. The Soyuz space pills holding the three new crewmembers — NASA astronaut Sunita Williams, European cosmonaut Yuri Malenchenko and Japoneses spaceflyer Aki Hoshide — docked with the station at 12:51 a.m. EDT Wednesday (0451 GMT) after a two-day journey. The Soyuz released into orbit Weekend...

NASA Welcomes Rocket Crafters and New Jobs to Florida

Good news and the prospect of additional jobs are arriving on Florida’s Space Coast at the speed of innovation. Last week, on the 50th anniversary of Kennedy Space Center, I joined Florida Senator Bill Nelson, Kennedy Space Center Director Bob Cabana, and officials from Lockheed Martin for the unveiling of the first Orion capsule that will carry our astronauts farther into space than any human has ever traveled. The work leading up to Orion’s first test flight in 2014 is expected to support at least 350 Space Coast jobs. This week, the...

B612 Foundation To Announce First Privately Funded Deep Space Mission

Who: The B612 Foundation What: Press Conference to Launch the B612 Foundation and Sentinel Space Telescope Mission-the first privately funded deep space mission. When: Thursday, June 28, 2012 --- 8:30 AM – 11:00 AM (PT) Where: Morrison Planetarium, California Academy of Sciences, 55 Music Concourse Drive, San Francisco, CA, in Golden Gate Park. (Pay Parking in CA Academy Garage) Announcement: On June 28, 2012, the B612 Foundation will announce its plans to build, operate and launch the...

NASA Releases Workshop Data and Findings on Asteroid 2011 AG5

WASHINGTON -- Researchers anticipate that asteroid 2011 AG5, discovered in January 2011, will fly safely past and not impact Earth in 2040. Current findings and analysis data were reported at a May 29 workshop at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md., attended by scientists and engineers from around the world. Discussions focused on observations of potentially hazardous asteroids (PHAs). Observations to date indicate there is a slight chance that AG5 could impact Earth in 2040. Attendees expressed confidence that in the next four...

NASA Satellite Measurements Imply Texas Wind Farm Impact on Surface Temperature

A Texas region containing four of the world's largest wind farms showed an increase in land surface temperature over nine years that researchers have connected to local meteorological effects of the turbines. The land surface temperature around the west-central Texas wind farms warmed at a rate of .72 degrees Celsius per decade during the study period relative to nearby regions without wind farms, an effect most likely caused by the turbulence in turbine wakes acting like fans to pull down...

NASA Releases New WISE Mission Catalog of Entire Infrared Sky

NASA unveiled a new atlas and catalog of the entire infrared sky today showing more than a half billion stars, galaxies and other objects captured by the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) mission. "Today, WISE delivers the fruit of 14 years of effort to the astronomical community," said Edward Wright, WISE principal investigator at UCLA, who first began working on the mission with other team members in 1998. WISE launched Dec. 14, 2009, and mapped the entire sky in 2010 with vastly...

NASA's Swift Monitors Departing Comet Garradd

An outbound comet that provided a nice show for skywatchers late last year is the target of an ongoing investigation by NASA's Swift satellite. Formally designated C/2009 P1 (Garradd), the unusually dust-rich comet provides a novel opportunity to characterize how cometary activity changes at ever greater distance from the sun. A comet is a clump of frozen gases mixed with dust. These "dirty snowballs" cast off gas and dust whenever they venture near the sun. What powers this activity is frozen...

Cassini Successfully Flies over Enceladus

These raw, unprocessed images of Saturn's moons Enceladus and Tethys were taken on April 14, 2012, by NASA's Cassini spacecraft. Cassini flew by Enceladus at an altitude of about 46 miles (74 kilometers). This flyby was designed primarily for the ion and neutral mass spectrometer to analyze, or "taste," the composition of the moon's south polar plume as the spacecraft flew through it. Cassini's path took it along the length of Baghdad Sulcus, one of Enceladus' "tiger stripe" fractures from which...

NASA GRACE Data Hit Big Apple on World Water Day

To highlight declines in the world's groundwater supplies, a new visualization of Earth's groundwater reserves, created in part with space data from the joint NASA/German Aerospace Center (DLR) Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) mission, debuted on New York's Times Square on March 22, International World Water Day. The 30-second animation, titled "Visualizing Seasonal and Long-term Changes in Groundwater Levels," will be on display several times each hour through April 22 on Times...

Icy Moons through Cassini's Eyes

These raw, unprocessed images of Saturn's moons Enceladus, Janus and Dione were taken on March 27 and 28, 2012, by NASA's Cassini spacecraft. Cassini passed Enceladus first on March 27, coming within about 46 miles (74 kilometers) of the moon's surface. The encounter was primarily designed for Cassini's ion and neutral mass spectrometer, which "tasted" the composition of Enceladus' south polar plume. Other instruments, including the Cassini plasma spectrometer and composite infrared spectrometer,...

Barack obama suggests Soviets for ‘space’ on rocket defense talks

Not aware that a mic was producing him, Chief executive Obama requested confident Western Chief executive Dmitry Medvedev Wednesday for space until after Mr. Obama’s re-election promotion to settle on rocket immunity. “On all these issues, but particularly rocket immunity, this, this can be settled, but it’s important for him to give me area,” Mr. Obama informed Mr. Medvedev at the end of their 90-minute conference, seemingly mentioning inbound Western Chief executive Vladimir Putin. Mr. Medvedev responded, “Yeah, I comprehend. I comprehend your...